I am in the process of going through the Nintendo 64 games, all of them, and creating a spreadsheet. As you may or may not know, the N64 is a very difficult system to emulate, and as of now, it is not really all there. There are several N64 emulators on the Retro Box,...
The Skeptical Geek
Follow AlongReview: Strike NX Wireless Gamepad
A lot of my customers ask me about options for wireless controllers. I don't normally carry any, either in my swap meet booth or in shows, because quality wireless controllers cost quality money, and they are usually not as good as wired controllers anyway. Well,...
Thank you for checking out the website for SKG Retrogaming. Our tagline is "Yesterday's Games, Today's Technology" and that is exactly what I strive to provide, the awesome games of the 80s and 90s, without the technological leg irons of that era, like blowing on...
SKG is working with Llamas!
That’s right, recently The Skeptical Geek has been spending time with one of the Chief Llama’s from www.llamavision.com. Secret plans, midnight emails, hours playing awesome games. All this effort for you!

Patrick Ferre - The Grandpa
Grandpa Gaming, formerly known as The Skeptical Geek, has been in love with video games since the first Space Invaders machine came to his local mall when he was 12. Knowing he was witnessing the birth of something incredible, he proceeded to tell all the adults in his life that this was going to change the world. Naturally, they all thought he was insane.
A software engineer by trade, Grandpa build the first Retro Boxes for himself and his roommate just to have a way to play all his favorite games on his big screen TV. It occurred to him that this could be a viable business idea when people close to him started asking where they could buy one. Thus, SKG Retrogaming was born. Because of his silver hair people started calling him Grandpa Gaming as a joke. It eventually occurred to him that this was an easier name to remember, and decided to rebrand as Grandpa Gaming of Las Vegas.