Thank you for checking out the website for SKG Retrogaming. Our tagline is “Yesterday’s Games, Today’s Technology” and that is exactly what I strive to provide, the awesome games of the 80s and 90s, without the technological leg irons of that era, like blowing on cartridges. My systems connect to modern TVs using HDMI, to ensure the highest quality picture and sound, not decades old RCA connections. My boxes contain every game for each console, not just a handful. My systems use USB connections for the game controllers, so you can use whatever game controller suits your needs, not what the company who made the console thinks you should use. Almost every game on my system has box art, description, and other helpful information. Any my systems come with a complete instruction manual, written by me personally, to help you get the most out of your system.

Take a look around the site, read the descriptions for the two models of retro Box, Basic and Fully Loaded. Check out the manual, and the game lists in the Download section. Check out my Facebook page, at And get in touch with me with any questions you may have. I look forward to doing business with you.

Thanks again  for stopping by, and have a skeptical day,

The Skeptical Geek