Recently a customer emailed me and asked about the potential compatibility of the Atari Arcade Fightstick. I had actually never heard of the device, so I went on Amazon, looked it up and ordered one. Turns out it is a device offered by Micro Center, which if you don't...
The Skeptical Geek
Follow AlongPlay Duck Hunt on Your Retro Box
Ever since I started this project, I have been asked about how to play Duck Hunt for NES on the Retro Box. I have always replied that there was no way to do this, because no one had yet invented a light gun for NES games that would work on a modern flat screen....
Joystick Review: Mayflash F300 Arcade Fight Stick
Something my customers are always asking me for is joystick controllers, especially fans of classic arcade games. There is something about the feel of real arcade style controllers that a gamepad, no matter how good, cannot duplicate. Now the best joystick on the...
Intellivision Tips
The Intellivision was a terrific system at the time, with visuals far better than other consoles on the market, and a remarkably good sound chip. The controller, however was very confusing with a number pad that does not translate well to modern game pads. There do...
New cases and color options
I have never been a huge fan of the plastic cases that I currently use for the Retro Box. However, when I started this business, they were the best I could get, for the budget I had, and I could get them reliably wholesale. In the past few months, the price of some of...
2 New Joystick Reviews
A lost of people ask me about joystick controllers for their retro box. The ones I offer on the website are a good value for the price, but there are many other available. I have been experimenting with two of them, and I am here to give you my impressions. The first...
Improvements to Retro Box
Good News! The best value in retro gaming just got better! In celebration of SKG Retrogaming's first anniversary, we are announcing the new and improved SKG Retro Box, Fully Loaded version. In addition to the 16 different systems, and 7000 games we currently offer,...
Nintendo 64 Issues
As anyone who has purchased a fully loaded system from me can attest, the Nintendo 64 has some serious issues. Some games work great, some have serious or minor problems, some do not work at all. What many of you might not know, is that there are several different N64...
The SKG’s Day Off
The other day, I, The Skeptical Geek, did the unthinkable. I took a day off. I had a day to kill in the Bay Area, before I had to drive to Portland, so I took a Caltrain into SF, and spent the day in one of my favorite cities. Had lunch at one of my favorite...
As you might know, the SKG has been doing a lot of travelling lately, attending comic conventions and other shows. Just did back to back shows in Washington DC, and San Jose, CA. Awesome Con in DC truly was. Had a great time, sold over 30 Retro Boxes, and got to spend...

Patrick Ferre - The Grandpa
Grandpa Gaming, formerly known as The Skeptical Geek, has been in love with video games since the first Space Invaders machine came to his local mall when he was 12. Knowing he was witnessing the birth of something incredible, he proceeded to tell all the adults in his life that this was going to change the world. Naturally, they all thought he was insane.
A software engineer by trade, Grandpa build the first Retro Boxes for himself and his roommate just to have a way to play all his favorite games on his big screen TV. It occurred to him that this could be a viable business idea when people close to him started asking where they could buy one. Thus, SKG Retrogaming was born. Because of his silver hair people started calling him Grandpa Gaming as a joke. It eventually occurred to him that this was an easier name to remember, and decided to rebrand as Grandpa Gaming of Las Vegas.